Powerside and PingThings Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Offer Power Quality Solutions to Enable Transformation of the Electrical Grid Makers of industry leading PQube® 3 power quality sensors and PredictiveGrid™ analytics and AI data platform are now offering a solution for greater visibility into power quality anomalies appearing at the grid’s edge as renewable generation, EV charging, microgrid, and battery energy storage are deployed.

Two leaders in advanced grid sensing technology, Powerside and PingThings, have signed a memorandum of understanding to offer an integrated solution for sensing and data analytics that provides utilities with critical visibility into distribution networks where solar, wind, battery energy storage, microgrids and EV charging are deployed.
These non-linear sources create dynamic instabilities within electrical distribution grids, creating significant power quality and reliability issues. Changes in consumer preferences, environmental benefits, regulations and decreasing costs are continuing to drive widespread distributed energy resource (DER) deployment, with capacity expected to reach 387 gigawatts by 2025, according to research firm Wood Mackenzie. (US DER Outlook Report, June 15, 2020)
Powerside’s PQube® 3 and microPMU sensors detect and measure these anomalies while PingThings’s PredictiveGrid™ time series data platform collects and analyzes the data, providing actionable information to enable swift reaction and correction by utilities.
“Today, our electrical distribution networks are flying mostly blind when it comes to monitoring the impact of solar, wind, batteries and EV charging,” states Powerside COO, Dr. Ross Dueber. “Deployment of high-fidelity sensors measuring perturbations at the grid’s edge and real-time analysis of those measurements are absolutely necessary to ensure quality and reliability during this rapid transformation of our electrical system.”
“Powerside’s array of industry leading sensors combined with the sheer power and scalability of PingThings’ time series data platform will unlock solutions to some of the grid’s most pressing challenges,” says Sean Murphy, CEO of PingThings.
The partnership provides grid operators and their customers with the vital ability to sense, analyze and act on changes in grid stability. This unified solution from Powerside and PingThings advances the grid, enabling the continued growth of distributed energy and EV charging on existing networks.
Contact sales@powerside.com or info@pingthings.io for more information.
About Powerside: Powerside has a 75-year legacy in power quality. To date, the company has deployed over 50,000 monitoring solutions and over 5,000 power corrections projects in over 50 countries. Its expert team utilizes a customer-centric approach and a suite of tailored measurement, intelligence, and correction solutions, to help customers quickly identify and meet power quality challenges head-on.
About PingThings: PingThings offers a grid-scale time series data platform (the PredictiveGrid) that transforms data from virtually any sensor into cost effective solutions for grid resilience, reliability, cyber security, and renewable energy integration.