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Strategic Summit Series: EV Consumer Charging

Last week EnerTech hosted a webinar from our Strategic Summit Series discussing Consumer Charging and its evolving technologies and business models. This webinar focused on electric vehicle adoption and how consumer charging preference is driving change in the EV ecosystem.

We had an amazing panel moderated by EnerTech's Wally Hunter, including Travis J Allan (FLO/AddÉnergie), James Carter, (Vision Mobility), Carter Li (SWTCH), and Richard Mrlik (Intertie). The focus of the discussion was around perspectives on technology and where we see opportunities in the EV market, new revenue models, and vehicle grid integration.

The Key Take-aways:

•COVID and work-from-home have impacted attitudes about vehicle ownership - 70% say if “I didn’t have that car before I wouldn’t have it now”

•Interest in demand management has increased significantly during the pandemic

•EV interest is at an all time high - this must convert to EV purchase intention

•Barriers to EV adoption - cost, range, charging infrastructure

•Regulators must empower utilities to prepare for EV uptake and adoption to avoid costly impacts to the grid

•Pilot programs and data sharing will help utilities prepare for future EV adoption

•More holistic view is needed – integration with other DERs, interoperability; BEMS, lighting control systems, etc.

•Opportunities are developing “beyond the electron” – different business and revenue models make sense depending on the context

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event such a success! The countdown is on for our next virtual strategic event, will you be there?

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